Tuesday 1 July 2014

Heather Mountain Lodge, Day 10

Woke up early for a pancake breakfast and left for Golden. We biked into Avalanch country. What a beautiful bike ride with mountains, creeks, and waterfalls. Cameron and I were biking hard when I decided to take a break just 10 km before Rogers Pass on a little bridge. Almost immediately after I grabbed my water bottle Cameron said "Okay lets go. Make it quick." I noticed panic in his voice so I looked down over the bridge and there was a furry head looking back at me. It was a black bear, and it wasn't more than 20 meters away. I jumped on my bike, waterbottle in hand, and started peddling as fast as I could.  Cameron started to sign "Hakuna Matata", which was the plan if we had seen a bear, and I joined in. We biked a safe distance away and started to laugh. We saw a bear! That was pretty cool. The rest of the climb to Rogrs Pass was tough. Got to the summit and took a break. Left the top at 3 pm and still had another 70 km to go. Cruised down this monster hill with dark snow sheds along the way. We hit 55km/h on our decent. The mountains were spectacular. Got to the bottom and climbed some more.  Cameron's back tube popped on the hill. He fixed it up quick but he noticed that his tire was damaged and that caused the flat. We weren't carrying spare tires. Biked to the top of the hill and decided to stay at the Heather Mountain Lodge. It turned out to be expensive, but after all it was Canada day. Had a nice supper, played pool, drank wine, watched fire works and reminisced about the big bad bear! Best day yet.


  1. The trip looks awesome so far! Tell Cameron that if he gets a cut in his tire, you stuff in a $5 bill along the cut. That will hold the tube in until you can get a new tire.

  2. It's been amazing! Good tip we will try that if it happens again thanks :)
